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Saturday, September 17, 2011

“Pull Yourself Up” By Being Your Own Boss

Almost everyone has heard the timeless adage of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps." Though its origin can be debated, its definition is ubiquitous and understood. It means improving one's situation by personal effort and individual ability. One way of bettering various aspects of your life is by being your own boss. Using your own talents and skills, working for one’s self can afford financial stability, valuable life experiences and overall peace of mind.

Many people find themselves bored in a "traditional" job, stuck in a monotonous routine that leaves them overly tired when their workday is done. Most of people's waking hours are spent at a desk when they could be spending time with family and friends. Businesses prosper immensely from the hard labor of their employees, though it's not uncommon for workers to see only a minuscule of that profit.

Becoming one's own boss has many benefits. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is financial stability and autonomy. By working for yourself, you are able to control all aspects of your income--allowing you to earn more. Self-employment gives you a sense of security rather than a sense of dependence on another entity. Rather than helping someone else's business become wealthy, you reap the rewards of your own hard work. You avoid the trap of counting on a company's 401K to take care you and your family. Instead, you know exactly how much you're making, investing and saving--and can budget your lifestyle accordingly.

Another benefit of being your own boss is honing your skills and obtaining valuable experience. Because you work for yourself, you have the opportunity to explore your talents and finesse your professional skills as an entrepreneur or businessperson. You'll get first-hand experience on how to create and manage a fruitful business. You can expand your network of contacts and forge honest, professional relationships directly.

Being your own boss also gives people a sense of freedom and self-control. You can set your own hours rather than clocking into a routine 9-5 job. You can get your work done efficiently while still being able to spend a desirable amount of time with family. Today's economy is so unstable; however, working for one's self has security. People can take control of their professional future rather worry about pending layoffs or companies going bankrupt. You can control your own workday and, on a grander scale, control your future.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sharing While Spreading The News

Well, I am back to doing what it is that I love doing with a passion. Let me let you in on a little secret, I never really stopped. Okay, so here is the address: to my new website that I hope you enjoy and visit offend. And, here is the web address to my marketing page: where you can also get a copy of my valuable E-Book, Designing Your Dream Lifestyle, will be offered for free. Last but not least…here is the web address to my Facebook Fan page:!/pages/Reginald-P-Carelock/226367357377528 and please click the LIKE button. Thank You! If you enjoyed reading my ad/post would you please pass it on to your friends here and on other social networks…by way of Twitter, Facebook, Share, or Vote for my posts? Again, I thank you!

It Begins & Ends With You! … Dynamic City Unlimited!

I could say that ‘The Mall’s Mall’ begins and ends with me but, to be truthful…it really begins and ends with you! Like many good companies that have been around for so long their longevity really depends on you the customer. That is only part of the reason we will do our best to service your needs with excellence. Not forgetting it’s the right thing to do…Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.